Fried chicken can be a challenge to make. You have to dust it with flour, fry it in oil and cook it to a crispperfection. Under-cooking it creates a health…
Chicken is such a cheap, versatile protein that we often make too much and end up with leftovers. The nextquestion is what to do with them. You should never reheat…
While modern life seems to be built on disposability, there are a surprising number of things we re-use longpast their expiration date. Here are 4 things in your kitchen you…
We all have our bad habits, but they vary in severity. Little annoyances don’t matter much unless they reallyadd up, and they’re not a problem compared to the habits that…
There are many mistakes we can make when it comes to sponges. However, some are minor issues whileothers threaten your health and safety. Here are the 5 things we do…
If there’s a room in the house you clean regularly, odds are that it’s the kitchen. After all, we’re constantlycooking and eating in it, generating message. And you have to…
The average kitchen has a pile of pots and pans stacked under a counter, hanging above the stove or stuck inthe warming drawer of the oven. Between the sheer variety…
Iron skillets have been used for years, and they’ve made a comeback in modern kitchens for a variety ofreasons. This means many people are not familiar with how to use…
Garlic is a key ingredient in everything from Chinese to Italian cooking. However, it is difficult to find goodgarlic, a challenge to store and hard to prepare properly. Here are…